Expect The Dip

The other day I was helping my girlfriend tidy her room (not the one in the picture, she’d kill me) but it wasn’t far from it! The thing with tidying a room is that once you begin there’s a point – usually an hour or so in – that you realise things are worse than when you started.

Why Self-Improvement Is Often What You Stop And Not What You Start

Self improvement is big business, whether it’s books, seminars, personal coaching or kale, there’s a never ending stream of things we can do to improve ourselves but have you ever taken a moment to think what would happen if you decided that instead of starting something new you would just stop?

Declaring To-Do List Bankruptcy

My to-do list became unmanageable so I did it. I declared to-do list bankruptcy. In our 24/7 365 working culture that we now have due to technology, our to-do lists never stop growing and if we don’t keep on top of them, we’ll never have the pleasure of seeing our to-do list empty. I don’t know about you but often … Read More

11 Reasons To Stop Searching For Your Passion

Everybody wants to find their passion; after all, passionate people have a zest for life, they’ve cracked the code and have a direct path to happiness or so it seems, which is why the rest of us are desperate to find it.