What Doesn't Kill Us… Turning Adversity into Creative Growth w/ Amy Oestreicher

What Doesn't Kill Us... Turning Adversity into Creative Growth with Amy Oestreicher Powerful Nonsense Podcast

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In this episode, Cem and Wayne interview Amy Oestreicher who went from “survivor” to “thriver” when at the age of 18 her stomach exploded and her life was thrown into a new trajectory. After 2 months in a coma, 27 surgeries and spending 6 years unable to eat or drink, through her art, performance and motivational speaking Amy now aims to inspire others to embrace their innate creativity, develop a deeper sense of gratitude and resilience so that we can learn to see the challenges of our lives as opportunities for growth.

What You’ll Hear

3:25 – Stomach explosion and waking from a coma

8:00 – Waking up to discover your life has dramatically changed

10:55 – Fear of not being able to fulfil your dreams and a need to be productive

13:30 – Connecting to the world through creativity

17:40 – Creating art as a way of dealing with adversity

21:55 – Finding your creative language

24:10 – Creativity as a mindset

Image Credit kleuske

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